Sweetcorn and courgette fritters

Tuesday 2 July 2013
This is one of those recipes I alluded to a couple of posts ago - it's one that I return to again and again.  It's simple, almost stock cupboard orientated and D loves them.  He also loves being involved in making them - as this photo evidences: - 

I normally stick with just sweetcorn in these but in an attempt to slightly lower the points value and as an experiment I tried switching half of the sweetcorn for a grated courgette.  I couldn't tell that there was much difference to it and D ate them all up.  Courgette isn't something he'll eat in chunks so this was some kind of victory - he did know they were in there and wasn't too bothered by that.  I'm still not entirely happy with the spices/herbs in this, I want them to be a little stronger.  I'm not finished with tweaking this one yet!

Ingredients: - 
100g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
100g canned sweetcorn, drained
150ml semi-skimmed milk
medium egg
One grated courgette
Handful of fresh coriander
Teaspoon dried coriander
Teaspoon dried cumin

Grate the courgette first of all.  It's a bit of a pig to do but it's worth it.  Squeeze out as much of the liquid as you can - D greatly enjoyed doing this bit and even wanted to try the courgette juice (I don't recommend it...).  Then try to dry the sweetcorn as much as possible with a piece of kitchen roll - again something that appeals to the small ones.  With the help of a small one (optional), measure out the flour and baking powder.  Add the egg and gradually beat in the milk, adding little by little and beating out any lumps that appear.  Add the seasoning, fresh coriander and sweetcorn.  Mix well.  

Mist a frying pan with Frylight and heat.  When hot, add dollops of the mixture.  These will flatten and cook fairly quickly - I tend to sit somewhere between medium and hot on my strongest gas ring.  When the mixture starts to solidify/cook on the top (takes me about four minutes) turn the fritter over.  

I served with 100g of smashed new potatoes, 5g of butter and 40g of Doritos mild salsa.  Overall, this came to 9 propoints.  On their own, a third of the mixture is 6 propoints/points plus.  I'd normally serve with some greens.

To be revisited...

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