This time, it's all themed around extinct animals - the dodo area was a particular favourite of mine - I just wish I had taken a picture of them.
There is also a little booklet to fill in as you go around and you see the lego figures. Some are a lot harder to find than others. We only just managed to sneak in to the middle category. I'm highly tempted to return just to complete the set. I'm a completist, what can I say? It's a bit like Gromit hunting. I had to catch them all - and this time, they are all in a small space, so shouldn't take so long! You also have to keep an eye out for the explorer who appears in many of the installations, including this great sabre-toothed tiger.
Another reason to return is the wooly mammoth project. When we got there, it was a day after this photo was taken. The great thing about this is that you can help to make this by making bricks for the builders to use - six times the size of a normal Lego brick.
These models are really quite impressive. This is one of the smaller ones but it still took some time for Bright Bricks to put together.
This was another popular model - a megalosaurus that you could put your head into the mouth of. Incredibly difficult to photograph well unfortunately.
What's also great about the exhibit is that kids get a chance to actually play with Lego. D loved trying out the variety of colours and brick types available. He built on the work of a previous constructor who had created this beautiful rainbow. His main aim is to build the tallest tower.
The museum also provide Duplo for younger visitors but D is utterly sold on the idea of Lego now. He's said that he'd like some for his birthday.
A new area is the penny arcade. You can convert a pound coin to ten old pennies and use them to play sweet cranes or watch slightly scary scenes with drunkards seeing snakes coming out of barrels - I wouldn't recommend the latter for your almost four year old!
More popular was the horse - no straps and a surprising amount of speed!
Another popular option was the Sooty machine, where Sooty, Sweep and Soo of olden days performed. It was a little jerky, a little worn but it still generated joy. Just look at D's face!
Other highlights worth mentioning are the Victorian sweetshop, where you can use a ration book to buy a small paper bag of sweets from a jar and the area where you can create your own Lego mini figure. The mini figure that D created, for the bargain price of £2.50, has been his favourite thing this week. We had a slightly problem earlier in the week when it went missing but he is completely in love with it - I really hope that it doesn't go on a wander again. He's made it up from an interesting mix of a rhino helmet and a medieval shield.
D was a huge fan of this photo opportunity - particularly as there was a step the second time that we came across it. This meant that he could be seen without assistance, even though he was still a little teeny.
The Lego Lost World Zoo event runs until the 27th of April. I highly recommend it and look forward to seeing what they do with the event next year - we're hoping for spacemen (although would quite have liked pirates to be an option!)