April foodie penpals

Saturday 3 May 2014
Since last time I posted, after discovering that Eggy was a girl, suddenly everything got a lot busier and a weirdly harder work - I seem to have hit a little bit of a wall after a few weeks of feeling pretty good.  That's why no midweek post this week.  I'm currently working on a post that I recommend you all run out and make right away - although it probably means you also need to buy some industrial strength toothpaste too...

Last week for foodie penpals I was sent a gorgeous and interesting package from Emma of Adventures of a London Kiwi.  D was really taken by the hand-drawn card - he's decided that he wants to colour it in and I'm in no way going to limit his current love for colouring.  As an aside, he's suddenly really got into colouring and his skills have really jumped up a notch.  Anyway, I digress!  here is my package - in a beautifully presented box filled with different coloured tissue paper.  In the background are some rather intriguing kale chips.  For a good while, oven baked kale was a favourite side and I haven't made them in ages.  These, with different flavours of cinnamon and onion are sure to be eaten on one of those munchy evenings that we have now and again...

The box is an interesting mix of things that I've never tried before but will definitely be giving a go.

Here's the card and some ginger fudge - weirdly not a combination I've tried before but definitely seems like one I'll like - and will satisfy my sweet tooth!  

 Then there was this collection of spices for different meals.  I have been planning to make dal makhani for AGES, so maybe this will prompt me to do so.  Then there is a recipe for a paneer curry which I'm also rather happy with.  The others I'm less sure about what I'll do with them - but one of the things I love about this scheme is that it introduces me to new foods and gives me new ideas.  I could do with a few more strings to my Indian bow...

As a result of being really swamped at the moment (for a change), I'm stepping back from Foodie Penpals for a couple of months but I do HIGHLY recommend it - even if I did have the slightly frightening job of sending to Carol from This is Rock Salt herself this month.  If you're interested in signing up, you can do so here.

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