Siblings update - November

Tuesday 25 November 2014
Late November means that D has now been a big brother for just over two months.  November has been a pretty rocky one for him - he's had his first ever stomach bug and was really rather unwell for three days of it.  He's such a healthy young man normally that it knocked us all for a loop.  Such a relief for him to return to his usual slightly naughty self.

It also led to the first stirrings of jealousy.  How do you give lots of sole cuddles to the older one whilst also trying to feed the younger one?  It's definitely one of those times that needed to be got through.. and we did.  It's so nice seeing his look of excitement when she does something new or when she smiles just for him.  

D continues to progress well at school - he's now trying to read pretty much everything around him and starting to learn more and more about how words work and how phonics doesn't quite cover everything.  His favourite discovery is Magic E and when he read 'Game' on a shop sign today he was so pleased.  As an aside, I probably shouldn't be using the magic e terminology but I'm sure he won't be too confused.  He's successfully switched between LetterlandAlphablocks and Read Write Inc. and there is different terminology there.  

Roo continues to grow well.  When D was her weight we moved him up to the cot - but he was older and trying to roll.  I had it in mind that I was going to move her up last weekend as she's only waking once in the night and some nights sleeping through.  I couldn't quite bring myself to do it though - she'd be just that bit further away and seeing her little face so nearby in the morning is lovely.     

I am working on putting her up to bed in the evenings however after a run of a few nights where she was getting really difficult to settle late on - trying to convince her to get to sleep at nearly midnight felt like a big step back.  I wonder if she was just getting overtired/overstimulated.  It's had mixed results so far - one good evening and one less good evening.  When did you put your kids up to bed on their own?  I'm sure this is probably earlier than we did with D but that was quite a long time ago now!

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