I decided to change it round a little but I'm really proud of the result. Here's D's attempt. Instead of cutting out the footprints (probably better for smaller ones and certainly less messy!) we used paint.
Reindeer art
One of the things that I've really enjoyed since ramping up blogging is reading blogs a lot more regularly and discovering all kinds of gems. One I've discovered recently is Hand and Footprint Reindeers from Louisa at Life as We Know It.
I decided to change it round a little but I'm really proud of the result. Here's D's attempt. Instead of cutting out the footprints (probably better for smaller ones and certainly less messy!) we used paint.
I decided to change it round a little but I'm really proud of the result. Here's D's attempt. Instead of cutting out the footprints (probably better for smaller ones and certainly less messy!) we used paint.
Reindeer art
christmas|crafting|kids stuff|