However, things are settling down a little more and Roo and I are back into our weekly routine and I managed to fit in a visit to baby cinema to see The Theory of Everything. Although I now gather that it plays a little fast and loose with the truth, I was seriously impressed with Eddie Redmayne's performance.
D was really chomping at the bit to get back to school and I've been trying to make sure that he has something different available to do at home in the evenings too - he seems to really want structure far more than free play these days. He is pretty addicted to Ludo which he got from Father Christmas. He has now devised a rather odd complicated version that includes jam squirters and poisoned pegs. Watching him nicely ask the die if it would roll a six for him is one of the cutest things.
Two evenings were spent constructing this pirate ship.
Far more has happened with Roo since I last wrote about them. She's much more awake than she was. This can involve some grumpiness but a lot of the time involves her taking everything in around her and making those first sounds. What's really lovely this time around is the look on D's face when he sees her doing these things. She's making a few little giggly type sounds and these generate a lot of joy for D. He loves to read to her and gets involved in bath time too. He really comes into his own as a big brother in these moments.
I am hoping that I might be able to actually do some proper cooking soon. Maybe.