Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Thursday, 20 August 2015
In my constant search for new ideas for us and for Roo and to try and push D's boundaries a little.  This is one of those recipes that worked better for the ladies of the household than the men.  It's just the right consistency for BLW - Roo enjoyed taking great globs of this in her hands.  She was less keen on the skin but I'm sure that will come when she has more teeth.

My recipe is an adaptation of this one.  I've made it a couple of ways so far, including the walnuts (but pulverised so that it was safe for Roo) and this way - which I think is a bit better.  It comes out at 11pp a serving, depending on the size of your sweet potato.

Stats: - 11pp for an adult serving.  Takes an hour and twenty minutes to cook but involves only about ten minutes of prep time.

Ingredients: -

two large sweet potatoes (225g is 6pp)
two small sweet potatoes
a tablespoon of coconut oil
60g of mascarpone
30g of grated parmesan
a head of broccoli, florets shredded (try to cut quite finely for baby-led weavers as it doesn't soften in the oven)
a tablespoon of garam masala
a teaspoon of black onion seeds
a teaspoon of black mustard seeds

Preheat oven to gas mark 6.  Scrub the sweet potatoes, prick with a fork and rub the coconut oil into the skin.  Put in the oven for fifty minutes.

Remove the sweet potatoes front he oven and allow to cool a little.  Score down the middle and scoop out the flesh - be careful at the bottom as the skin is quite delicate.  Mix the softened flesh and the rest of the ingredients in a bowl.  Roughly a third should go into the two bigger ones (in order to make this 11pp) and the two smaller ones have a sixth of the mixture each.

Place back in the oven and cook for fifteen minutes.

It's been bit quiet in these parts - where is the summer going to?  I'm thrown entirely by the fact that my tiny baby Roo is going to be one in less than a month.  

Other stuffed vegetable recipes that I'm adding to the list of meals I'd like to make: -
A different take on stuffed sweet potatoes from Natural Kitchen Adventures
Mexican stuffed sweet potato from Hungry Healthy Happy (but I'd switch the BBQ chicken for refried beans)
Butternut Squash stuffed with lentil dahl from The Veg Space
Hasselback aubergines from KneadWhine (7pp a serving)
Caprese stuffed aubergines from Amuse Your Bouche
Butterbean stuffed squash from KneadWhine (7pp a serving)
Bulgar stuffed courgettes from Family Friends Food
A very interesting take on stuffed mushrooms from Tinned Tomatoes
Spicy stuffed peppers from KneadWhine (2pp a serving)

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