Secret Santa at work is a little different for us. Being English teachers, there is nothing more appealing than a good book. Those of you that may have known me from my bookcrossing days (or if you have gifted me books in the past) will know that I always have a lot more fiction books to read than I seem to have the time to. (The pile is currently in the low 80s...meaning that at the current rate of reading, I'll be done by 2017.)
Anyway, luckily, my secret Santa got me Gino D'Acampo's Italian home baking, obviously being aware of my bread making. I still haven't worked out who that lovely person was but I'm extremely grateful. It's an amazing book, filled with lots of gorgeous photos of my favourite place in the world.
I've been toying with the idea of doing some bread making without the bread maker and the beginning of the book seemed like a good place to start. So, ciabatta.
So, step one is to create the starter. It's a mixture of flour, yeast and water that stays in a non-drafty place overnight and grows.
On the right, expanded after only an hour or two.
Below, expansion overnight.
Next step is to add more flour, more yeast, water and salt. This is where things went a bit wrong. It looked like some kind of genetic experiment. It was way too sticky and gloopy. There was need for far more flour. Once it got to the right consistency though - so satisfying to knead.
And rise it did....
The dough sort of flopped out of the bowl, again, much like some strange experiment. Thankfully though, not sticky as before.
Next, to shape the dough into the slipper shape called for. This involves folding and folding again.
Then, more rising time.
Finally, into the oven to cook.
This was a successful bake. I've got enough bread to last the three of us a month but it's ohsotasty. It's light and airy and just scrummy. I'm thinking the additional flour has probably made this all a lot bigger than intended but I can live with that. I love the little air pockets - something which is lacking with the bread machine.
I'm a convert. The time taken wasn't so bad all in all and it wasn't that hard.
So, secret Santa, if you're reading, thank you very much.