Foodie Penpals January 2014

Sunday, 9 February 2014
Sunday soup is on a bit of a break for a while.  I expect it to next be back towards the end of the month when time for new recipes is on my side.  I'll be sharing another recipe that I didn't expect to be low propoints on Wednesday this week.

This weekend has been a quiet one, bar a bit of a scoot to check out the flooding in our area.  We live on the canal front so it's a bit worrying to see it creeping over the banks.  D thought it was hilarious - he wanted to scoot through the water.  Maybe with wellies but it's deep there.  We don't live this far up but we can see the tell-tale signs near us.  In the seven years we've lived here it's never been this high.  A bit frightening.  On the plus side we are elevated enough that the house is highly unlikely to be flooded.  On the negative, we might not be able to get out of the front door without a boat...

Instead this week I'm belatedly sharing my foodie penpal package from January.  January's package was sent to by Grape Love Affair and it's a really interesting package too, packed with ingredients I can make use of.  I have to apologise for photo quality too - I've had better shoots...

She sent me some laverbread which I've never tried before - so I'll be interested to give that a try.  There's some ingredients for cooking - some yeast which I'm sure I'll make good use of, some panch phoran which I believe features in Indian cooking and some parsley and thyme salt which I'm sure will go well in Italian cooking, or even in some bread-making.  

Then there is the smoked garlic - I often buy this but I'm not quite sure what I really should be doing with it - time to do a bit of investigation I think!

Finally, there are some great snack things - some cherry flavoured raisins that are one of D's favourites, some rather tasty looking dark chocolate (if you ever want to know what type of chocolate to buy me, my answer is ALWAYS dark - Easter egg buyers take note...) and some Crostini crackers.  

I'm looking forward to next month's parcel - it's coming from Switzerland!

If you want to get involved in this great scheme, you can check it out on This is Rock Salt.

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