Homemade houmous has featured a lot this week. Although D loved it as a baby, he's now decided he only wants the shop bought stuff... which is a shame. Anyhow, to make this, drain a can of chickpeas, reserving some of the liquid, mince a garlic clove, juice half a lemon, add a tablespoon of tahini, a tablespoon of natural yoghurt and a half tablespoon of olive oil. Blitz all ingredients and add in a little of the liquid if you prefer a thinner consistency. I served it three ways this week - in sandwiches, on toast and even on a spoon. A messy adventure. She seemed to like the handle of the spoon more than the bowl but she did have a little bit that way.
Eggy bread - this is something that D discovered very recently and LOVES. I can't blame him. Roo seemed pretty taken by it too. It's a perfect early food. Soft and takes away that slightly gluey aspect that bread can have. I made this using a plain white loaf I'd made - with no salt or sugar. I served this with strawberries, cut into halves. These need to be ripe - Roo has found it challenging when they are harder. Later in the week I tried her on whole strawberries and she actually got in better with that - digging her thumb in to help her hold it.
Home made rosti with home made tomato ketchup. I want to work on the recipes for both of these before sharing. Hopefully I can make the ketchup a bit more appealing to D - I'd love to get him off the bottle...
She's had a tiny bit of brie and quite a lot of avocado. Definitely my child.
The final shot I want to leave you with is this - Roo with veggie polenta loaf which I'll be sharing the recipe of in an upcoming post. I love that she always tries things, gives the most disgusted look and then gets on with it.