This week's recipe was chosen by Jen at Mum in the Madhouse. I love the look of these chocolate mint puddings! What a cute idea.
The book for this week is one that I think I picked up from a car boot sale - The Bread Machine book. It features a lot of recipes that Her page number choice was the one that came up on the random generator and it felt like a bit of a cheat... as it was for white baps made in a bread maker... something that I may have made a time or two before.
Having said that though, I had to make this one twice over. The first time I used kamut flour and didn't quite get the raising times right. The second time was much more successful and led to these lovely baps. The instruction to press down with two fingers to release air bubbles was a new one on me but it helped them to be a little flatter on the top and probably a bit better for filling with burgers.
I was really pleased with them. They were a little crustier than D likes and they aren't really that suitable for BLW for a teeny one with no teeth but I enjoyed them!
The book was easy to follow - although the very nature of the recipe chosen and the book it was meant that it would be pretty difficult to make it complicated I think.
My other cookbook challenges can all be found on my Pinterest page, or by using the tag. Next week's recipe is a rather interesting gnocchi...