What I lost and a happy birthday to KneadWhine

Tuesday, 9 June 2015
June is my busy month of the year.  I've taken on a bit of work in the run up to the end of maternity leave and it's meaning spending a lot of time when the kids are asleep working.

It's fine, just means that recipe development and photography are things I'm not finding the time for.  It has been nice to stretch my brain doing work type stuff.  

I did just want to pop by to share this website I found this morning - I Lost What is a great little website that tells you just how much you've lost.  So far, I've lost a bald eagle.  Made me smile! 

Also making me smile is that KneadWhine has just had its second birthday.  Nothing really to mark it with but it's nice to have had my own little corner for this amount of time.  I've got a few exciting bits and pieces lined up for the next couple of months - thanks for popping by, commenting and interacting on the Facebook page and Twitter and my new favourite place Instagram.


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