Sweetcorn and courgette fritters are a bit of a favourite in our house. They are eaten by everyone without moaning and I felt that adapting these would be perfect for this. I took out the courgette from the base mix and doubled the sweetcorn. Otherwise I kept it pretty similar.
Serves: two adults, one five year old and one baby - I do need to work on scaling this up soon!
two teaspoons of butter
one courgette, cut into medium slices about half the length of a thumbnail
100g plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
one egg
150ml semi-skimmed or whole milk (I use whole for Roo)
200g can of sweetcorn, drained, excess moisture blotted with kitchen towel
2 teaspoons of ground coriander
a handful of blueberries for decoration
Make the fritters by mixing all of the other ingredients together (bar the blueberries). Whisk to avoid lumps. Using crumpet rings, place two, or one piece of courgette in the bottom and cover about half way up the ring with the fritter batter. Cook on a medium heat on one side for about four minutes - until the top begins to solidify. Flip over and cook on the other side - this will only need a couple of minutes. You may notice that mine went a little over...
Place the fritter on the plate and top with halved blueberries for the eyes and either quartered or halved blueberries for the mouths.
Jury is out for me a little bit as to whether or not they look better 3d as in the top left and bottom right or with the courgette inside. I did the ones with courgette outside mostly for D who was in a bit of a funny mood and would have rejected them if he couldn't easily extract them.
They are not quite right but as a first attempt at food art, I'll take them.
Disclaimer: Green Giant sent me sweetcorn to use in recipe/food art development.