Banana smoothie with spirulina

Thursday 24 October 2013
One of the things I got in my August foodie penpals package was spirulina.  Sprulina is supposed to aid digestion and is high in protein.  I was interested to discover that but had no real thought about what I could do with it - as it isn't something I've really come across before.  Anyway, one of my things at the moment is breakfast smoothies - something that is low points but filling and satisfying.  It's also very popular - D likes to share mine, meaning I tend to make double...

Stats: - 1 serving, 1 propoint

Ingredients: -
one banana
a large handful of frozen exotic fruit mix (kiwi and mango mostly)
5g of spirulina
100ml of skimmed milk

Whizz together in a blender.  Enjoy!

Spirulina added no obvious flavour to the drink and if it's something that carries real benefit, I'll keep throwing a little bit in here and there.  I don't think I'd buy any more but as I have some to my fingertips... I have another spirulina recipe to try (including bruschetta!), which might make good use of it.

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