Foodie penpals October 2013

Thursday 31 October 2013
What a great package Caitlin sent me this month.

The first part of this was these Ryvita thins.  I have to admit I'd looked at the fact that they were one propoint - the same as an original Ryvita - and felt that it wasn't right - a bit more is always the best!

However, these are so amazing that I take it back.  D and I delved into these on the way home from the post office depot - D proclaiming that he might let me have a few in the morning but he was saving them all for himself!  I'm so pleased that Caitlin sent them as trying new things is what it's all about.

She also sent me a few jars of things that will be great to try out - D already laid claim to the jam (bet you can see a theme emerging here...) and I'm sure the pickle will make a great addition when I start making bread again.

The chocolate looks really tasty - I have no doubt that Mr K will give me a hand in eating it as he's a big milk chocolate fan.

The pasta (I don't think I've ever had sepia pasta before) and sauce will be a great quick meal for us on one of those crazy evenings. Although having said that, the pasta might be a better addition to Mr K's favourite fast meal of tuna pasta.

Thanks so much Caitlin!

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