Top ten posts since June

Friday 11 October 2013
It turns out that it feels a bit odd not posting anything on a Friday. As I currently have a slightly dazed toddler on the sofa beside me, it seemed a good time to have a go at a new kind of post. But what? Well, I was thinking I'd share the top ten posts since KneadWhine kickstarted back in June. To me, it's quite surprising that the top posts are often reviews of products.

I'm glad to see a couple of soups though - some of the attraction is the photos of the small one enjoying the countryside I'm sure.

 So here goes: -

10. Cabbage and Beetroot Soup.

This vibrant soup is one of the most attractive since I started the weekly soup feature.  The purple colour in it is amazing.  There are also some lovely shots of our visit to Hughenden Manor and Hellfire caves.

I am so pleased these little cookies have had this much attention.  They are great!  I'm wondering now if I could replace the strawberries with a more in season berry - watch out for this some time soon!

This was one of my first posts when I came back to blogging and I love elements of it but want to revisit the photos particularly - again it's clear how much the photography and editing has come on in just shy of four months. 

7. Zero point icecream recipe

Given that my Where are My Knees? post on zero point icecream has generated a rather large quantity of my traffic, I'd expected this to be a bit higher but never mind.  A rather tasty dessert for those on WeightWatchers.

6. Courgette pea and spinach soup

This one involved a visit to Basildon Park to try out their ball run.  Oh, and of course some soup!  Although the container that it's in isn't the best, it's certainly beautiful.  I think.

5. Review of Graze Porridge boxes

I'm proud of this - the photo was my first proper attempt at photoshopping.  I'm not saying it's perfect but as I once was terrified of using photoshop, it's good.  I'm amused that the majority of searches that have led to that high count are people looking for instructions about how to make it - and rather than going to Graze's website where they tell you, they've ended up at my site.

The only restaurant review goes to my favourite Indian, Meluha.  I'm really excited about returning in just over a week to try out their tasting menu.  Seriously good food.  I have no decent photos for this at the moment but hoping to get some when I go in.  

3. Skinny butternut squash and aubergine curry

This colourful dish was a copy of a dish found on I'm Counting Ufos' blog.  I haven't attempted it for a while, mostly because I'm now totally in love with this aubergine coconut curry and there are only so many times that I can convince Mr K and D to eat aubergine in a week!

2. Review of Bear's Alphabites

I got myself a box of these within days of Bear announcing that they were going on sale.  D still quite likes them and likes that it looks like he's having the same chocolate based cereals as his friends at preschool - and I don't have to actually get the chocolatey, sugary breakfasts for him.

1. Philadelphia simply stir review

This is one I'm a little embarrassed about.  The photo quality is AWFUL frankly.  I have to be honest though and share this as the top.  It's mostly because I was one of the first ones to review it online and I come quite high up on Google.  Which is nice.

I haven't been compensated for reviewing any of the products featured - but would be open to future collaborations.  

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