Mexican Chickpea soup: Sunday Soup

Sunday 21 July 2013
What a relief a bit of cloud brought yesterday.  Today was a scorcher again though as the sun burned through the clouds successfully.  Good timing really as we had soup for lunch but a barbecue for dinner.  More of the barbecue at a later date.

We've had a quieter weekend after our busy weekend last weekend.  Yesterday was spent at Reading's summer fair at Forbury Gardens.  It wasn't a busy affair but the jester with his never ending bananas and the tagine eaten for lunch were worth the journey.  Today has been even quieter, spent doing the food shop, barbecuing and preparing food for the week.  Husband is slowly attacking our garden too, getting rid of a lot of plants that shouldn't really be there.   This evening will be spent putting together a quiz for my Media students - time to photoshop some film posters!

I'm sad to say that the herb garden is looking incredibly sad.  The oregano and the mint aren't far off dead even though D and I are ensuring they are well watered.

This week's soup is another spicyish one.  You could make it more so by adding a second chilli, or even chilli flakes.  This is an adaptation of a recipe from the Covent Garden Soup for Every Day book which I highly, highly recommend.

Mexican chickpea soup

Stats: - 5 servings, 2 propoints each.

Ingredients: - 

1 tablespoon of olive oil
2 shallots, finely diced
a big handful of coriander
2 teaspoons cumin
1 red chilli, finely diced
two tins of chopped tomatoes
one tin of chickpeas, drained
400g vegetable stock made with a 0pp stock cube
juice and zest of one lime
50g natural yoghurt

Instructions: - 

Sweat the shallots for 6 to 7 minutes on a medium heat with the olive oil being careful not to burn.
Add the cumin, the stalks of the coriander and the red chilli.  Mix well.
Add the tins of tomatoes and simmer, covered, for fifteen minutes.  
Add your stock and chickpeas.  Stir well.  Allow to bubble for fifteen minutes.
Add the coriander leaves, zest and juice.
Add a dollop (well, a 10g dollop!) of natural yoghurt per bowl and season to taste.

This was really popular with all.  It's a great thick soup that fills you up.  D was a bit perturbed to find a bit of coriander in his soup but ate a really good portion nonetheless.

No weekly plan this week as I've got all kinds of nasty tests and starves going on - will be back with that in a fortnight.

How was your weekend?

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