D at school!

Tuesday 30 September 2014
There won't be a small things this month - I have a couple of products I want to talk about but I'll save that until October I think.

In all the other things that have been going on around here, D's first day at school probably hasn't received the attention that it should have done.  He's been at school for more than a week now and gosh does he love it.  He's definitely a kid that wanted to start at school.  In the mornings, he barely says goodbye to me as he's so happy to get going with the activities there.

At first he was struggling to tell us about what he's been doing but now he's full of it - yesterday he learned all about harvests and there was a song with a chugging tractor in it.  Oh and he did cutting up fruits.  They've also started working on phonics and he's able to show just how much he knows.  I was worried that he might feel a little stifled/frustrated starting from scratch but I think he's really relishing being confident with it.

He's also really enjoying school meals and the ability to choose each day what he's going to have.  So far only one meal hasn't been that much of a hit.  It's a great weight off my workload to not be feeding him a hot meal in the evening.  He's coming home ravenous and I have a little packed lunch ready for him to eat, made bit by bit when I have some time in the day.  He's coming home and playing with his toys and he's managing to get to sleep a bit earlier than he was in the summer.  Still not early enough - he's as good as me at trying to put off sleep for as long as possible.  

In other news, R has now been in our lives for just over two weeks and she's settling in well.  The nights are disturbed but it doesn't seem as tricky this time.  I'm not sure if my expectations are different or if she just is easier.  D continues to be a very good big brother.  He really has grown up in a way that I didn't really expect.  It's lovely.


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